Wide Selection – Great Prices!
Whether it is Trap, Skeet, Sporting, International, or Biodegradable targets, White Flyer insures that each and every target manufactured meets standards and weight specifications required by the National Skeet Shooting Association (NSSA), the National Sporting Clays Association (NSCA), the Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA) and the International Shooters Union (ISU). Visit White Flyer here and then give us a call at (210) 688-3165 to place an order!
Also Offering Biodegradeables!
• Targets painted on both sides with a non-toxic paint to provide maximum visibility for all shooting disciplines.
• White Flyer Bios will biodegrade at least 95% within two years depending on rainfall or contact with moisture.
• Ingredients are non-hazardous and non-toxic.
• Targets should be kept out of direct contact with moisture and humid conditions
• Accumulation of Bio targets in a certain area can affect the ph levels of the soil.